美国RyanBubnis现代插画作品网 ryanbubnis.com 详细资料

美国RyanBubnis现代插画作品网 ryanbubnis.com

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美国RyanBubnis现代插画作品网是有Ryan Bubnis创办的现代版的民间插花艺术平台,他通过生活中常用的材料来制作插画作品,例如纸、木材、帆布等等。他的灵感来自生活、爱情、涂鸦、民间氛围浓厚,结合各种文化艺术效果来制作平民大众型的插花艺术,他的作品在美国各大博物馆均有展览,现任俄勒冈州波特兰市的太平洋西北艺术学院助理教授。Ryan Bubnis’ work has been described as “modern folk.” Through his paintings, illustrations, design and mural work, he comments on themes relating to the human condition.Working both traditionally and digitally he incorporates a range of mediums that include found objects, paper, wood, canvas, aerosol, acrylics, cel vinyl, Papier-Mâché, graphite and India ink. He draws inspiration from life, love, graffiti, folk and outsider art from a variety of cultures.Bubnis has collaborated with a number of commercial clients and his work has been exhibited in galleries and museums across the U.S. and abroad. He is currently an Assistant Professor at The Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon.

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