饮食爱好者食谱分享平台 punchfork.com 详细资料

饮食爱好者食谱分享平台 punchfork.com

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饮食爱好者食谱分享平台是一个帮助饮食爱好者发现新的食谱并与好友分享的社区站点,成立于2011年;你就可以轻而易举的收藏各式菜谱,从而解决在不同的美食网站周旋的烦恼。Punchfork为方便用户采购,根据原材料对菜谱进行分类。一般的网站上没有菜谱分类,同样的一份菜谱,在Punchfork上则被分成农产品、肉类、罐头食品、奶制品等。Punchfork的应用有许多功能,其中Zhui杰出的一个功能是它可以根据主流网站上菜谱的分享次数,将菜谱收集整理。餐厅菜谱根据受欢迎程度从1-100进行打分,这样就可以让大家知道这个菜谱被在线分享和讨论的次数。Punchfork以一种直观的方式帮助人们发现流行的新食谱并鼓励他们将新食谱与家人和好友分享。人们到Pinterest平台来就是为了寻找日常生活中的灵感,我们认为Punchfork的目标与这一点是相吻合的。Punchfork makes it easier to find the best new recipes from popular sites like Simply Recipes, The Pioneer Woman, Leite's Culinaria, Bon Appetit,101 Cookbooks and Picky Palate. We use conversations on social networks to show you high quality recipes that passionate cooks are talking about right now.Social data. Punchfork uses social data like tweets, Facebook shares and Pinterest pins to measure which recipes are grabbing the attention of users. We uncover the latent sentiment in sharing patterns on social networks.Popularity ratings. Our proprietary rating system assigns each recipe a popularity score from 1 to 100. The higher a recipe's score, the more it has been talked about and shared on the web.Search quality. Traditional recipe sites list page after page of search results in no discernible order. With Punchfork, you see only the highest quality recipes, presented in a beautiful magazine-like visual layout.Real-time. Punchfork shows the latest posts from food blogs and recipe sites in one unified place. New recipes appear on our site usually just minutes afte


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