Kepco Electricity Museum Kepco Electricity Museum  详细信息
位置:韩国>首尔景点>>> 热度(646)     评分(3)

Kepco Electricity Museum Kepco Electricity Museum


提示:地址:1355, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
电话: 02-2105-8190


1 D-Cube City D-Cube City (686)

2 Gimdaljin Misul Jaryo Bangmulgwan Gimdaljin Misul Jaryo Bangmulgwan (597)

3 Hansangsoo Embroidery Museum Hansangsoo Embroidery Museum (631)

4 Hankook Gwanggo Bakmoolgwan Hankook Gwanggo Bakmoolgwan (587)

5 Gyeomjae Jeongseon Memorial Museum Gyeomjae Jeongseon Memorial Museum (665)

6 Chungdong Church Chungdong Church (619)

7 战争和女权博物馆 The War and Women's Human Rights Museum (642)

8 Horim Museum Sinsa Horim Museum Sinsa (599)

9 Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Memorial Hall Dosan Ahn Chang Ho Memorial Hall (625)

10 Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities (702)

11 Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery Yanghwajin Foreign Missionary Cemetery (730)

12 世宗国王纪念馆 King Sejong Memorial Hall (688)

13 Central Buddhist Museum Central Buddhist Museum (646)

14 Museum of Korea Straw and Plants Handicraft Museum of Korea Straw and Plants Handicraft (650)

15 Gallery Sejul Gallery Sejul (625)

16 首尔旅游游客咨询中心 Tourist Information Center of Korea Tourism Organization (684)

17 Woomjip Teojeon Shigwan Woomjip Teojeon Shigwan (656)

18 地球村民俗博物馆 Global Village Folklore Museum (654)

19 Milal Misoolgwan Milal Misoolgwan (743)

20 庆熙大学中央博物馆 The Central Museum of KyungHee University (646)

21 The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin (701)

22 摄影博物馆 The Museum of Photography (622)

23 Kilsangsa Temple Kilsangsa Temple (699)

24 Seodaemun Museum of Natural History Seodaemun Museum of Natural History (673)

25 Appenzeller Noble Memorial Museum Appenzeller Noble Memorial Museum (655)

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