The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin  详细信息
位置:韩国>首尔景点>>> 热度(649)     评分(4.3)

The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin

 The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin  The Story of King Sejong & The Story of Admiral Yi Sunshin   -0


海军上将故事馆位于首尔光化门广场地下,这里生动展现了海军上将李舜臣的生动历史故事。 展馆分为六个区,珍藏着“海军上将”关于海鹰的意义和忠武公李舜臣的代表性遗物,体验当时船舶的制造工艺。馆内设有4D体验馆,水和空气的注入,各种振动的奔波,仿佛时光穿越到了那个年代,体验海上生活的妙趣。

提示:地址:175, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea


1 摄影博物馆 The Museum of Photography (566)

2 Kilsangsa Temple Kilsangsa Temple (639)

3 Seodaemun Museum of Natural History Seodaemun Museum of Natural History (610)

4 Appenzeller Noble Memorial Museum Appenzeller Noble Memorial Museum (588)

5 Yeonsero (Yonsei University Street) Yeonsero (Yonsei University Street) (561)

6 Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress Hongjimun Gate and Tangchundaeseong Fortress (615)

7 Mongchon Museum of History Mongchon Museum of History (573)

8 Hyehwamun Gate (Honghwamun) Hyehwamun Gate (Honghwamun) (635)

9 Hangaram Art Museum Hangaram Art Museum (642)

10 Rolling Ball Museum Rolling Ball Museum (628)

11 MMCA - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Seoul Branch MMCA - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea Seoul Branch (622)

12 Sookmyung Women's University Museum Sookmyung Women's University Museum (583)

13 Hwang Jin Hyun Museum Hwang Jin Hyun Museum (560)

14 现代设计博物馆 Modern Design Museum (629)

15 K-Pop Music Exhibition Hall K-Pop Music Exhibition Hall (581)

16 国立中央图书馆 The National Library of Korea (611)

17 Musee Shuim Musee Shuim (570)

18 Dong-Lim Knot Museum Dong-Lim Knot Museum (560)

19 The Memorial to the Patriot Yun Bonggil The Memorial to the Patriot Yun Bonggil (635)

20 Hae Chung Gallery Hae Chung Gallery (614)

21 Floating Island Floating Island (560)

22 Jeongneung Royal Tomb Jeongneung Royal Tomb (612)

23 Ultra Architecture Museum Ultra Architecture Museum (583)

24 Brain Factory Brain Factory (614)

25 MMCA - National Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung MMCA - National Museum of Contemporary Art, Deoksugung (585)

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