犹他州国家公园3D展示网 utah3d.net 详细资料

犹他州国家公园3D展示网 utah3d.net

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美国犹他州国家公园(Utah National Parks)是美国知名自然公园之一,聚集了美国国家公园系统中Zhui令人惊叹的地貌环境,为自然爱好者和冒险爱好者独一无二的世界级景色和休闲旅游的机会,现在你可以通过网络来欣赏它的奇特之处。MARTIN VAN HEMERT is a photographer based in Utah. He is actively involved in architectural and fine art photography. Martin has spent a lifetime creating and massaging photographic images. As a custom printer of photographic images, he has worked in both chemical and electronic/digital mediums extensively. As a photographer, he worked with large format films before the advent of digital imaging. His current obsession is 360° panoramas.Born to a family of Dutch immigrants, he studied music at the University of Utah, following which he made the logical choice of a career in photography. Martin and his wife are the parents of three grown children and 2 un-grown grandchildren, and live in rural Utah County with a small herd of horses. Their rodent control staff boasts 7 members.


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1  United States(56.7%)

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网站常用标签 star desert milky way canyonlands national park bonneville salt flats

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