每日视频剪辑分享网 dailycut.com 详细资料

每日视频剪辑分享网 dailycut.com

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Daily Cut 网站是一个致力于互联网视频剪辑分享的平台,提供互联网中Zhui热门的视频内容进行剪辑处理,为用户呈现视频内容中Zhui精彩的部分,让用户享受Zhui好的新闻、娱乐、现场活动等视频资源。Daily Cut showcases the depth and breadth of Time Inc. video content from the brands you love and editors you trust including TIME, Sports Illustrated, People, Instyle, Entertainment Weekly, Real Simple, Golf, Cooking Light, Southern Living, Fortune, Food & Wine, Travel & Leisure, Essence and more.Daily Cut delivers a multichannel experience where viewers can browse a robust video content library by editorially curated featured content, new and trending videos along with content verticals News, Sports, Entertainment, Life & Home, Food, Fashion and Technology and Live Events. Time Inc.’s storytelling is deeply rooted, with millions of consumers across virtually every segment of society. The Daily Cut embodies that philosophy and builds upon that heritage by producing award-winning premium video content.


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1  United States(19.8%)

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