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Ghost Blog:免费开源轻博客平台是一个专注于博客管理发布内容的开源项目,获得10万美金的众筹投资,该博客平台设计精美,支持定制,免费开源,让你专注于博客记录,在易用性上有非常好的用户体验。Ghost博客由美国麻省理工学院开发,支持多平台使用,不管你是用PC还是手机、平板电脑都有非常出色的使用体验,支持拖放工具,用户可以自己设计模版主题、编写插件,添加自定义功能等。Six months ago, Ghost was revealed the public for the first time on Kickstarter. It raised more than $100,000 in the first 48 hours of funding, and went on to triple that figure within its 29 day funding period, the Ghost prototype received more attention than ever before as people finally saw the platform in action.Ghost is a platform dedicated to one thing: Publishing. It’s beautifully designed, completely customisable and completely Open Source. Ghost allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do. It’s simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time messing with making your blog work – and more time blogging.Ghost is free software released under the MIT License, which pretty much means you can do anything you want with it. The MIT License is one of the most free and open licenses in the world, and does not restrict how you use the software which it’s applied to. We believe open source software should be free. As in free.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  China(14.7%)
2  India(14.6%)
3  United States(10.4%)
4  Brazil(10.2%)
5  Argentina(3.0%)

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网站常用标签 ghost markdown link ghost themes ghost blog ghost theme

服务器信息 IP地址:
物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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