社交化美食菜谱分享社区 tablespoon.com 详细资料

社交化美食菜谱分享社区 tablespoon.com

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社交化美食菜谱分享社区是一个基于寻找食物的乐趣和生活互动的美食菜谱交流平台,提供美食分享、美食大赛、优惠券下载等多种有关于美食的服务。网站是吃货们必备的英文美食网站,在这里你可以学习国外的热门美食做法,你可以上传自己的美食菜谱,有关于食物环保、养生、针对不同人群制作相对应的可口饭菜,这里有一群热爱美食的吃货,让你在国外美食菜谱中找到海量的制作方法!Food is fun and life is fun. Tablespoon just wants to make it even more awesome. You're insanely passionate about food and know that any occasion can always use a little extra awesome-sauce. Want to learn some cooking basics or discover creative ways to personalize dishes? You've come to the right place. Tablespoon's all about inspiring joy in the kitchen.From unique and clever foods that are just as fun to see as they are to make, to food hacks that'll blow your mind. Even special VIP access to some bomb entertaining ideas. We've gotcha covered!But Tablespoon's more than just recipes. It's a community of folks who are passionate about food, just like you.


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1  United States(74.8%)
2  Canada(3.2%)
3  India(2.8%)
4  United Kingdom(2.3%)
5  Australia(1.3%)

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