名人服装饰品资讯网 coolspotters.com 详细资料

名人服装饰品资讯网 coolspotters.com

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名人服装饰品资讯网是美国一个专门介绍名人服装饰品资讯的网站,以明星的照片(或者视频)切入,让产品更加生动。明星和时尚的关系是分不开的,明星们走在时尚的前端,是时尚的标杆。时尚产品也往往通过明星代言来提高人气、塑造形象。明星们在用什么产品(比如穿什么衣服、用什么电器、喝什么饮料),是个很有聊头的话题。Coolspotters的创意很新颖:用户将一张明星的照片上传,然后将照片中的产品圈起来加以注释,和其他人分享。甚至可以传一段视频,在旁边注上视频中用了什么(还可以截取视频中的画面)。我们经常可以在杂志、电视、电影等媒体中看到自己的偶像明星们穿着时尚的品牌服饰,但是全面却无法找到这些潮装的来源。为此设计了这个网站,现在的服装,鞋履,太阳镜,收集,汽车等一切时尚达人创造的潮流都将公诸于世。此外当那些炫酷的服装配饰真正入主普通家庭的时候,那么它们都已经过时了。现在获悉明星偶像、体育明星以及其他名人的穿着打扮相关信息的主要媒介还在于杂志,难以发现的博客,或者一些名人网站中鲜有的图片。但是Coolspotters改变了这一现状,将所有明星潮流服饰和配饰商品展现在你的眼前,同时附带了购买信息。更重要的是,所有的内容都是用户创作的。Coolspotters is an online service that makes it easy to discover and buy the products, brands, and fashions being used by your favorite celebrities – in their real lives, and in movies and television.We all see great stuff being worn and used by our favorite celebrities – in magazines, TV, in movies – but there’s never been an easy way to find out exactly what the great stuff is! So, we built one.Today’s trends for clothes, shoes, sunglasses, cell phones, cars (and just about everything else) start with the world’s true trend-setters – celebrities and public figures. And usually, by the time something cool trickles down to the rest of us…it’s not cool anymore. It’s yesterday. It’s over. It’s so last season.Until now, the only glimpse you’d get into the product choices of your favorite actor, athlete, musician, or other public figure was from a p


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