古籍善本室书籍博物馆 rarebookroom.org 详细资料

古籍善本室书籍博物馆 rarebookroom.org

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古籍善本室书籍博物馆是一个帮助读者检索和查阅书籍的资料平台,很多古老的书籍都可以在这里找到,珍稀古迹书籍都是通过技术进行了数字化处理。收录了莎士比亚的诗歌古迹版本,可以说是莎士比亚图书馆、杰明·富兰克林科学论文,还有中世纪和文艺复兴时期的手抄本著作等等。The "Rare Book Room" site has been constructed as an educational site intended to allow the visitor to examine and read some of the great books of the world.Over the last decade, a company called "Octavo" digitally photographed some of the world ’s great books from some of the greatest libraries. These books were photographed at very high resolution (in some cases at over 200 megabytes per page).This site contains all of the books (about 400) that have been digitized to date. These range over a wide variety of topics and rarity. The books are presented so that the viewer can examine all the pages in medium to medium-high resolution.


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