生活黑客分享网 lifehack.org 详细资料

生活黑客分享网 lifehack.org

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生活黑客分享网是一个致力于分享生活中的常识,以帮助人们改善生活中的方方面面,提供生活质量和生活效率,你可以在该网站获得任何有关于生活技巧的内容资源。Lifehack这个网站是专门为生活常识做出专业解答的站点,帮助你更有效地把事情做好。此博客的内容被许多主要报纸,杂志和在线出版物转载。Lifehack is your source for tips to help improve all aspects of your life. We are widely recognized as one of the premier productivity and lifestyle blogs on the web. This site is dedicated to lifehacks, which is a phrase that describes any advice, resource, tip or trick that will help you get things done more efficiently and effectively.This blog has been endorsed by many major newspapers, magazines and online publications, and is frequently updated with articles by a team of contributors that just want to make your life as friction-free as possible.

Pointers on productivity, getting things done and lifehacks.


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