最佳网页设计展示平台 awwwards.com 详细资料

最佳网页设计展示平台 awwwards.com

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Zhui佳网页设计展示平台是一个展示网页设计作品的站点,提供网页设计师们的网页设计作品欣赏,并且创办了Zhui佳网页设计奖项,为那些Zhui优秀的网页设计师评选并获得奖励。汇集了来自世界各地的网页设计师,在这里他们分享设计经验和网页设计知识,探索Web设计的Zhui高境界,倡导网页设计要实用、新颖、直观,为用户带来Zhui独特的个性化体验。还在发愁找不到Zhui好的网页设计作品吗?对于网页设计师来说参考别人的成功作品是每天获取灵感的Zhui佳途径,很多网站都有收录了世界优秀的设计网页作品,但是都是广告满天飞的,对于这一点是无法避免的,不过我们可以选择更好的设计平台来欣赏那些作品,网页展示平台就是一个,每天都会介绍一个新的站点,让你的灵感每天都满满的!The awards that recognize the talent and effort of the best web designers, developers and agencies in the world.We aim to create a meeting point where web professionals from across the world can come to find inspiration; a space for debate; a place to share knowledge and experience; give and receive constructive and respectful critiques. “Always hungry”.The jury, along with users, award each site a score from 1 to 10 based on its design, creativity, usability, and content.The highest-scoring sites are awarded Site of the Day and entered into the Site of the Month and Site of the Year competitions.The aim of is to create an online community of like-minded users who can bring their expertise to bear on the latest web projects. We have created an online reputation system in order to credit users who demonstrate their knowledge and commitment with Status Points and exclusive privileges. 

Recognizes website design and development with annual ceremonies. Includes an introduction to the judges and a design and development directory.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  India(22.1%)
2  United States(10.3%)
3  Italy(4.2%)
4  United Kingdom(3.8%)
5  France(3.7%)

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