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1 Theme Park Theme Park (959)
2 宁越昆虫博物馆 toungwol insectarium (993)
3 Seogwangsa Sari Museum Seogwangsa Sari Museum (969)
4 Youngwol Book Museum Youngwol Book Museum (961)
5 Hangil Medical Foundation Hangil Medical Foundation (950)
6 Mureung Bangmulgwan Mureung Bangmulgwan (931)
7 江华花纹席文化馆 Hwamunseok Cultural Center (1039)
8 Aebo工艺博物馆 Aebo Kraft Museum (948)
9 Fun Museum Fun Museum (950)
10 Shimeun Art Museum Shimeun Art Museum (1029)
11 Segye Minsok Akgi Museum Segye Minsok Akgi Museum (963)
12 Deorimi Art Museum Deorimi Art Museum (785)
13 墨湖灯塔公园 Mukho Lighthouse Park (802)
14 Gangwon Jonghap Museum Gangwon Jonghap Museum (814)
15 固城恐龙博物馆 Goseong Dinosaur Museum (931)
16 World Oncheon World Oncheon (765)
17 铁原和平展望台 Cheorwon Peace Observatory (802)
18 Lee Hyo Seok Literature Forest Lee Hyo Seok Literature Forest (808)
19 湫岩海水浴场 Chuam Beach (765)
20 泉谷天然洞窟 Cheongok Cave (806)
21 江华隐岩自然博物馆 Ganghwa Eunam Natural & Science Museum (785)
22 武陵溪谷 Mureung Valley (775)
23 Gagok Natural Recreation Forest Gagok Natural Recreation Forest (840)
24 Museum of musical Instruments of the World Museum of musical Instruments of the World (851)
25 Forty Steps Cultural Center Forty Steps Cultural Center (828)