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1 Pineapple Room餐厅 Pineapple Room (990)
2 水宫 Taman Sari (1936)
3 开元141 kaiyuan141 (1035)
4 雀鸟市场 Pasar Ngasem (1236)
5 ION Orchard购物中心 ION Orchard (1098)
6 Peter Luger牛排店 PeterLugerSteakHouse (1019)
7 YOYOPARK儿童游乐园 (1017)
8 粉红清真寺 Masjid Putra (1383)
9 湿婆神庙 Candi Shiva (1252)
10 Ullen Sentalu传统博物馆 Museum Ullen Sentalu (1224)
11 毗湿奴神庙 Candi Vishnu (1196)
12 阿梵迪博物馆 Affandi Museum (1236)
13 梵天神庙 Brahma Temple (1270)
14 皮影戏博物馆 Sonobudoyo Museum (1185)
15 城堡博物馆 Museum Benteng Vredeburg (1225)
16 迦南D44#bar(龙头路店) jiananD44#bar (1023)
17 天堂寨白马大峡谷 baimadaxiagu (980)
18 Fasching酒吧 FaschingBar (1390)
19 Sharda Vegetarian Restaurant Sharda Vegetarian Restaurant (1154)
20 佳丽海鲜酒楼(环岛路店) jialihaixianjiulou (981)
21 Crazy Elephant Crazy Elephant (978)
22 西挪威工艺博物馆 West Norway Museum of Decorative Art (1655)
23 易卜生博物馆 The Ibsen Museum (1639)
24 Chilli Padi娘惹餐厅 Chilli Padi (967)
25 黄则和花生汤店(龙头路店) huangzehehuasheng (989)