1 云霄塔 Stratosphere Tower (451)
2 曼查克沼泽 Manchac Swamp (418)
3 纽约市立博物馆 Museum of the City of New York (409)
4 Tahquamenon Falls State Park Tahquamenon Falls State Park (384)
5 怀俄明学院 Wyoming Seminary (381)
6 自由女神像巡航 (412)
7 盐宫会议中心 Salt Palace (443)
8 红山滑索体验 (384)
9 US Bank Stadium US Bank Stadium (452)
10 道尔顿公路 Dalton Highway (412)
11 莫纳克亚山天文台 Mauna Kea Observatories (443)
12 怀皮奥山谷 Waipio Valley (424)
13 M&M巧克力世界 M&M's World (461)
14 洛杉矶自然历史博物馆 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles (479)
15 犹他州政府 Utah State Capitol (418)
16 达拉斯会展中心 Dallas Convention Center (425)
17 达拉斯市政厅 Dallas City Hall (394)
18 Razor Point and Beach Trail Loop Razor Point and Beach Trail Loop (426)
19 Cabrillo Tide Pools Cabrillo Tide Pools (422)
20 杰克逊小镇 Town of Jackson (498)
21 the spot... a Child's Museum the spot... a Child's Museum (385)
22 Granite Mountain Trail 261 Granite Mountain Trail 261 (371)
23 拉斯维加斯玻璃桥体验 Grand Canyon Skywalk (427)
24 华盛顿大街 Washington St (405)
25 斯蒂文斯理工学院 Stevens institute of technology (380)