Irmao Luiz Godofredo Gartner Museum Irmao Luiz Godofredo Gartner Museum  详细信息
位置:巴西>corupa景点>>> 热度(693)     评分(0)

Irmao Luiz Godofredo Gartner Museum Irmao Luiz Godofredo Gartner Museum


提示:地址:Rua Padre Gabriel Lux, 9.000 | Centro, Corupa, State of Santa Catarina 89278000, Brazil
电话: 47-3375-1194


1 Professor Benito Vasconcelos Tavares Museum Professor Benito Vasconcelos Tavares Museum (630)

2 Federal Ceara University Arts Museum Federal Ceara University Arts Museum (624)

3 Museum of Image and Sound of Ceara Museum of Image and Sound of Ceara (677)

4 10th GAC Cultural Museum 10th GAC Cultural Museum (698)

5 Museu do Automovel Automovel Museum (657)

6 Ceara's Transportation Cultural Museum Ceara's Transportation Cultural Museum (707)

7 Fazenda Faco Facao Farm (687)

8 Indigena Memory and Identity Museum Indigena Memory and Identity Museum (690)

9 Museu do Farol Lighthouse Museum (657)

10 Siara em Miniatura Museum Siara em Miniatura Museum (671)

11 Boneca de Pano's Museum Boneca de Pano's Museum (642)

12 Museum of Gaivota Museum of Gaivota (684)

13 Nirez Cearense Communication Archives Museum Nirez Cearense Communication Archives Museum (674)

14 Lagoa da água Milagrosa (Dolina) Agua Milagrosa lagoon (Dolina) (650)

15 Popular Art Museum Popular Art Museum (689)

16 IMIP Museum IMIP Museum (678)

17 Louis Jacques Brunet Natural History Museum Louis Jacques Brunet Natural History Museum (651)

18 Malacologia Prof. Rosa de Lima Silva Melo Museum Malacologia Prof. Rosa de Lima Silva Melo Museum (645)

19 Vivo do Garimpo Museum Vivo do Garimpo Museum (647)

20 Matriz de Santo Antnio (Santíssimo Sacramento) Matriz de Santo Antonio (Santissimo Sacramento) (666)

21 Catedral da Sé Se Cathedral (676)

22 Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Homens Pretos Nossa Senhora do Rosario dos Homens Pretos Church (647)

23 Museu da Cidade do Recife Cidade do Recife Museum (626)

24 Justice Memorial Justice Memorial (632)

25 Frevo Museum Levino Ferreira Frevo Museum Levino Ferreira (632)

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