白求恩纪念馆国家历史遗址位于距离多伦多约160公里的格雷文赫斯特小镇,1973年政府出资修缮并将其列为国家级历史名胜。这里保存了白求恩大夫居住时的原貌,展出珍贵的生活用品和照片资料等。 人物简介: 1938年白求恩大夫带领医疗小队来到中国,在前线救治了大批伤员,传业授课并参与抗洪救险。1939年底因手术中细菌感染不幸患病在中国逝世,白求恩大夫崇高的精神使他成为中国乃至世界人民心目中伟大的国际主义战士。来这里参观的有很多中国人,都是专程前来表达对白求恩大夫的敬仰和尊敬。
1 本那比山公园 Burnaby Mountain Park (675)
2 多伦多列岛公园 Toronto Island Park (603)
3 Flowerpot Island Lighthouse Flowerpot Island Lighthouse (623)
4 The Blue Point Amethyst Mine The Blue Point Amethyst Mine (657)
5 Brent Mountain Protected Area Brent Mountain Protected Area (583)
6 Icefield Centre Icefield Centre (590)
7 Medicine Lake Medicine Lake (601)
8 Telephone Historical Centre Telephone Historical Centre (673)
9 Stanley Milner Library Stanley Milner Library (613)
10 Kwisitis Visitor Centre Kwisitis Visitor Centre (634)
11 Brock Trail Brock Trail (634)
12 Gananoque Public Library Gananoque Public Library (576)
13 Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park (657)
14 Bracebridge Resource Management Centre Bracebridge Resource Management Centre (609)
15 Revelstoke Aquatic Centre Revelstoke Aquatic Centre (641)
16 The Museum at Campbell River The Museum at Campbell River (607)
17 Revelstoke Railway Museum Revelstoke Railway Museum (588)
18 Baker Street Baker Street (576)
19 Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre Revelstoke Dam Visitor Centre (582)
20 Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park Little Qualicum Falls Provincial Park (625)
21 Glacier National Park Glacier National Park (599)
22 Reflection Lake Reflection Lake (628)
23 Canyon Hot Spring Resort Canyon Hot Spring Resort (588)
24 Peterborough Museum and Archives Peterborough Museum and Archives (621)
25 Centennial Lilac Garden Centennial Lilac Garden (627)