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1 Музей ретро-технки Автомотовелофоторадо Museum of Retro Technology Avtomotovelofotoradio (997)
2 Pirogov's Masoleum - St.Nicolas Church Pirogov's Masoleum - St.Nicolas Church (985)
3 Vinnytsia Water Tower Vinnytsia Water Tower (1011)
4 National Pirogov's Estate Museum National Pirogov's Estate Museum (1012)
5 Military Historical Museum Military Historical Museum (985)
6 Vinnytsya Museum of Art Vinnytsya Museum of Art (1019)
7 Captain Chetkov Mansion Captain Chetkov Mansion (1002)
8 Museum of Honorary Citizens of Vinnytsya Museum of Honorary Citizens of Vinnytsya (1011)
9 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Cathedral Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Cathedral (998)
10 沃龙佐夫宫 Vorontsov Palace (1007)
11 Hutsul Museum Hutsul Museum (959)
12 Pysanka Easter Egg Museum Pysanka Easter Egg Museum (942)
13 别尔江斯克 (1011)
14 利沃夫啤酒博物馆 Museum of Brewery (1050)
15 国立卫国战争历史博物馆 National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (1622)
16 圣弗拉基米尔大教堂 St Volodymyr's Cathedral (1714)
17 基辅圣索菲亚教堂 St. Sophia Cathedral (1898)
18 爱情隧道 Tunnel of Love (1658)
19 哈尔科夫圣母领报大教堂 Annunciation Catherdal (1153)
20 舍甫琴科公园 Shevchenko Park (1083)
21 镜子泉 Mirror Stream (1621)
22 哈尔科夫圣母升天大教堂 Assumption Catherdal (1114)
23 Bereznitskiy展览馆 Bereznitskiy Gallery (1112)
24 画廊36 Gallery 36 (1631)
25 国立大饥荒受害者纪念博物馆 National Museum“The Memorial in Commemoration of Famines'Victims in Ukraine” (1754)