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1 Museum of Children's Film at Animafilm Studio Museum of Children's Film at Animafilm Studio (787)
2 Kitai-Gorod and Ulitsa Varvarka Kitai-Gorod and Ulitsa Varvarka (771)
3 Museum of Jewish History in Russia Museum of Jewish History in Russia (768)
5 Military Institute of Engineering Forces Military Institute of Engineering Forces (704)
6 Gallery of Russian Ice Sculpture Gallery of Russian Ice Sculpture (749)
8 Federal Military Memorial Cemetery Federal Military Memorial Cemetery (705)
9 Сrystal Exhibition Hall Сrystal Exhibition Hall (749)
10 Museum Motory Voiny Museum Motory Voiny (768)
11 Tsvetaeva Educational Art Museum Tsvetaeva Educational Art Museum (718)
12 Central Chess House Central Chess House (698)
13 Our Era Historical Museum Our Era Historical Museum (697)
14 Lenin's Funeral Train Lenin's Funeral Train (744)
15 Gallery Anastasia Chizhova Gallery Anastasia Chizhova (763)
16 The Worker and Collective Farm Woman The Worker and Collective Farm Woman (784)
17 D. Nalbandian's Museum Workshop D. Nalbandian's Museum Workshop (738)
18 Monument to Pioneers of the North Monument to Pioneers of the North (718)
19 布拉戈维申斯克市地质博物馆 (793)
20 布拉戈维申斯克市政厅 俄罗斯语 (734)
21 铁路技术历史博物馆 History Museum of railway technics (700)
22 顿河修道院 Donskoy monastery (792)
23 莫斯科屠格涅夫博物馆 the Museum of I. S. Turgenev (716)
24 陀思妥耶夫斯基故居博物馆 Museum-apartment of Dostoevsky (722)
25 托尔斯泰故居庄园博物馆 The Memorial Museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy "Khamovniki" (751)