Presnya Historical Memorial Museum Presnya Historical Memorial Museum  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>中央联邦管区>莫斯科景点>> 热度(557)     评分(5)

Presnya Historical Memorial Museum Presnya Historical Memorial Museum


提示:地址:Bolshoi Predtechenskiy Lane, 4, Moscow 123242, Russia
电话: 7-499-252-30-35


1 Mikhail Sholokhov Statue Mikhail Sholokhov Statue (521)

2 Russian State Youth Library Russian State Youth Library (546)

3 Ukrainian Cultural Center Ukrainian Cultural Center (547)

4 IT Gallery IT Gallery (542)

5 Statue of Aleksandr II Statue of Aleksandr II (467)

6 Church of St Varvara Church of St Varvara (622)

7 Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles Lomakov Museum of Antique Cars and Motorcycles (502)

8 Sokolniki and Fleet Museum Sokolniki and Fleet Museum (527)

9 Temporary Church of St. Alexander Nevskiy Temporary Church of St. Alexander Nevskiy (522)

10 Kristina Art Gallery Kristina Art Gallery (552)

11 Museum-Apartment N. S. Golovanova Museum-Apartment N. S. Golovanova (537)

12 Monument to Graduates of Russian State University of Cinematography Monument to Graduates of Russian State University of Cinematography (550)

13 Rostokino Janitor Monument Rostokino Janitor Monument (508)

14 Poet Nikolay Rubtsov's Museum Poet Nikolay Rubtsov's Museum (536)

15 索科尼基国际展览中心 Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre (494)

16 Belyaevo Gallery Belyaevo Gallery (540)

17 莫斯科地铁 Moscow Metro (1183)

18 Zolotaya Tsaritsyna Palata Zolotaya Tsaritsyna Palata (730)

19 Timiryazev Statue Timiryazev Statue (725)

20 Rabindranath Tagore Statue Rabindranath Tagore Statue (712)

21 Levenson Typographic Association Building Levenson Typographic Association Building (687)

22 The Russian Fairy-tales Museum The Russian Fairy-tales Museum (701)

23 K. Stanislavskiy's House Museum K. Stanislavskiy's House Museum (689)

24 E. Yermolova's House Museum E. Yermolova's House Museum (948)

25 Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God Church of the Kazan Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God (694)

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