1 Queen's Chapel of the Savoy Queen's Chapel of the Savoy (251)
2 卫理公会中央礼堂 Methodist Central Hall Westminster (277)
3 St George’s Church St George’s Church (285)
4 班克赛艺廊 Bankside Gallery (249)
5 Equestrian Statue of George IV Equestrian Statue of George IV (276)
7 齐斯威客区 Chiswick (262)
8 St Mary's Church St Mary's Church (286)
9 伦敦中央清真寺 London Central Mosque (290)
10 克里波门圣吉尔斯教堂 St. Giles Cripplegate (300)
11 Vintners' Hall Vintners' Hall (282)
12 富勒姆宫博物馆 Fulham Palace Museum (525)
13 Wesley's Chapel, House and Museum of Methodism Wesley's Chapel, House and Museum of Methodism (274)
14 Royal Academy of Music Museum Royal Academy of Music Museum (252)
15 珠宝塔 Jewel Tower (258)
16 米尔班克塔 Millbank Tower (266)
17 Severndroog Castle Severndroog Castle (247)
18 伦敦国家军事博物馆 National Army Museum (284)
19 The Clockmakers' Museum The Clockmakers' Museum (270)
20 切尔西皇家医院 Royal Hospital Chelsea (274)
21 Golden Jubilee Bridges Golden Jubilee Bridges (284)
22 St George the Martyr St George the Martyr (273)
23 格雷律师学院 Gray's Inn (301)
24 Crossbones Graveyard Crossbones Graveyard (257)
25 St. Sepulchre Without Newgate Church St. Sepulchre Without Newgate Church (290)