1 Claymills Victorian Pumping Station Claymills Victorian Pumping Station (274)
2 惠灵顿拱门 Wellington Arch (313)
3 Brimham Rocks (284)
4 Holy Island (244)
5 Diggerland (278)
6 伯明翰背靠背建筑 Birmingham Back to Backs (318)
7 惠普科学历史博物馆 Whipple Museum of the History of Science (267)
8 桑顿沙滩 Saunton Sands (253)
9 圣詹姆斯教堂 St James Church (261)
10 The Ancient Market Hall (263)
11 Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences (293)
12 拉科克修道院 Lacock Abbey (317)
13 拉科克 Lacock (271)
14 Bourton-on-the-Water (295)
15 弗朗索瓦·佩伦国家公园 Francois Peron National Park (279)
16 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham (277)
17 伯明翰博物馆和美术馆 Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery (308)
18 圣马特里亚纳教区教堂 Parish Church of Saint Materiana (324)
19 廷塔杰尔城堡 Tintagel Castle (317)
20 老邮局 Old Post Office (287)
21 查特维尔温斯顿·丘吉尔故居 Chartwell, Winston Churchill's Home (265)
22 圣迈克尔山 St Michael's Mount (265)
23 诺尔楼 Knole House (267)
24 兰兹角 Land‘s End (313)
25 廷塔杰尔卫理公会 Tintagel Methodist Church (267)